Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Mass is an “act of religion”, which is connected to the virtue of justice, the rendering to each and all what is due to them. We render to God our worship during the Mass, in thanksgiving for all the wonderful gifts God has given us, including our salvation. Whatever else being a liturgical minister means – sharing the word of God, Eucharistic Minister, exercising any ministry in the Church - worship of God must be the main purpose. Let it be an act of joy!
Please dress appropriately- Business casual at minimum. No summer beach attire or shorts.
Clean hands and fingernails.
Please honour the schedule provided.
As Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, you stand beside the priest celebrant and distribute the Body of Christ to the congregation during one of the Sunday Masses.
Duties: Include setting up the wine and water and unconsecrated hosts before Mass, keeping to a schedule, distributing communion during Mass and putting everything away after Mass.
Qualifications: The liturgy is the source and summit of Christian life, according to Vatican II. It is expected that the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion have a firm belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and have a sense of reverence for the Sacrament.
Commitment: At least once a month, depending on the number of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion available. Attendance and participation on your scheduled time is essential.
Training: Training is done through one meeting with the Pastor and by shadowing other Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion before your first time. You do not have to serve until you are comfortable. A detailed list of tasks for setting up before and after Mass will be provided for you.
Scheduling: Scheduling is done by one of our volunteers and usually covers a 3 month period at a time. You will be contacted by email regarding your availability.
PLEASE NOTE: If the Deacon of the Mass is present, your role will be to set up before Mass and clean up after and the Deacon will administer Holy Communion. If the Deacon is not present, you will assist the Pastor in administering Holy Communion.