Collection Counters
Every Sunday or Monday, volunteers from our parish (one or two plus the office administrator) spend about 30 minutes to count the offertory collection. This requires accuracy both in counting the money and recording it accurately on the envelopes or bank deposit books (if the office administrator is not available). Volunteers are not required to deposit the money. Because collection counters have access to sensitive information, a police vulnerable sector check is required.
Duties: Weekly offerings are sorted and recorded by envelope and loose change is counted and recorded.
Qualifications: Volunteers are expected to be trustworthy and have a deep respect for confidentiality. Nothing that is seen in the collection should ever be disclosed.
Commitment: Collection counting is a weekly task, however, with enough volunteers, the goal is to have counters count only once a month. Larger collections at Christmas and Easter will take more time.
Scheduling and Training: Will be provided by the office administrator.