The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul – President
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic organization whose mission is to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy.
The Mission of Saint Vincent de Paul implies that as Vincentians we see Christ in anyone who suffers, come together as a family, have personal contact with the poor, and help in all possible ways.
Vincentians, within the limits of a parish, a store, a school, a workplace, etc., join together to form a conference. In a conference, objectives and activities are planned, developed, and carried out to help the poor. The responsibilities of conference members are varied. The most important one is to bring comfort and aid to the poor.
Every week, spare change is collected at the entrance of the church. These funds are then used for anyone in the Fenwick community who is in need of financial assistance. This can take on many forms, for example, the purchase/prescriptions, the payment of a bill, or broader causes such as relief to communities who have faced disaster. No work of charity is foreign to the Society. Members meet on a monthly basis in order to discuss needs of the local, national and international community and how our conference can be of assistance.
The president of the Society is an elected member, who will serve a three year term. Specific duties of the president are outlined in “The Rule and Statutes of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Canada”. The president should have strong organizational, leadership, interpersonal, and communication skills. All embers must be active in the church and be trustworthy and non-judgmental. They must understand the mission of the Society, be able to maintain confidentiality and be prepared to make home visits when necessary.
A police background check and vulnerable sector screen are required for all members.